“Before the fall of the gods and the rise of the Demon Horde, there was an age of dragons. And unto this came the Dragon Lords, six gods amongst the nations who did battle for supremacy over the Lands of Agondar. Only one stood victorious, the Great Dragon Aralla. For a thousand years she reigned unopposed, protecting her people and her dominion. Now, a dark mage known as Xanthias has raised an army and conquered Aralla. He has imprisoned her beneath the mound of her very throne. Yet hope remains. There are those who resist Xanthias and would fight to see Aralla set free, and her dominion restored.” --From the Annals of Agondar DRAGON LORDS is a 1d20 based RPG set in the fantasy/sci-fi realm of Agondar on the distant planet of Zo’ras during a time of upheaval and chaos. In this universe the teaching of magic is outlawed and those who wish to practice it must seek out Mage Artists to have spells tattooed on their flesh, giving rise to Mage Hunters who sell tattoos on the black market. B...